Lady Queala
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My name is Queala! I'm married to the dynamic Pastor Tim Holly, mom to 4 lovely daughters, a licensed occupational therapist, and entrepreneur! I believe that making God the central part of your life makes everything workout for your good. I know at times, this can be difficult to do; especially when facing situations that may leave you feeling shaky and impatient. I've been there, and decided not to stay there. How? With growing faith. Growing faith requires you to learn from struggles in the past, read more Bible, pray more, hear more, and trust God more. My faith is continually growing as I am afforded the opportunity to walk this earth in the many roles that I've been assigned to. My motto is, put your best faith forward!
It takes courage to pray in private and out loud before others. Privately asking God for something and being able to trust and leave heaviness with God, trusting the He will take care of it. Whew, it's challenging. Openly praying for someone independently or praying over a body of people can be intimidating, so you shy away from one of the most powerful tools you have as a believer. Can you relate? Would you like to join a workshop with other women looking to boost their prayer power? Sign up to get notified when the Praying Power workshop is live! Just enter Praying Power in the subject line and tell me a little about yourself.
Family is a big ministry that I love and thank God for; as well as seek God continuously for guidance. Being present, engaged, focused, and more with my husband and children takes work! Using Biblical principles to navigate family life helps! Whenever there's a disagreement, we can't dispute what the Word says. It's important to pray and seek God about your family and with your family. With all that we have on our agenda's and all that we are responsible for, I love that True Life is a church that recognizes the importance of children's ministry, marriage ministry, and balance by encouraging family time! True life has an emerging children's ministry and marriage ministry! Click below to let us know you're interested in bringing your kids or want to be notified of our marriage retreat!
Our bodies are God's creation and they're absolutely amazing! As amazing as our bodies are, long life habits and choices cause obesity, illness, and dysfunction of natural body systems. As I've experienced family loss due to illness preventable with a healthy diet and individual pain/dysfunction corrected with healthy habits; my purpose is to help busy moms create a healthy lifestyle so they can be the best version of themselves for family and purpose!